Volume 7 |Issue 5| Sept-Oct 2019                                 First published: 30 October 2019

Shelf life Studies on Bifenthrin 10 EC using GC-FID

Rashmi Urkude

Department of Chemistry, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur-440012, India


Modern pesticide formulation technology aims to prolong shelf-life as much as possible so as to optimize the biological activity of the pesticide and to give a product which is safe and convenient for use. However, Pesticides in sealed containers may change over time if the active ingredient changes chemically or the formulation of the pesticide breaks down. Therefore, pesticide store should be inspected regularly for signs of deterioration. Since quality and performance is the major constraint faced by the users, commercially available and widely used emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of bifenthrin (10 per cent) was assessed with (GC-FID) for technical grade content in storage on the shelf in farm store room for the period of 30 months. The per cent active ingredient (a.i.) for bifenthrin from 0 month to 30 months were found in the range between 10.17 and 10.46 per cent (Permissible tolerance limit as per BIS Specification is 9.50 to 10.50). Keeping in view the expiry period of 2 years, the tested formulation sample was found stable and unaffected during the storage.

Keywords: Bifenthrin, GC-FID, EC formulation, BIS specifications

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Urkude Rashmi. Shelf life Studies on Bifenthrin 10 EC using GC-FID, Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2019, 7 (5): 101-104.


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