Volume 6 |Issue 6| Nov-Dec 2018                                 First published: 31 December 2018

Studies on Weed Diversity in Groundnut fields of Parbhani District

Deshmukh RS

Department of Botany, B. Raghunath Arts, Commerce & Science College, Parbha.



Survey of weed diversity in Groundnut fields in Parbhani district was conducted during December 2009 to December 2012 in Kharif season (June to September). Total 34 weeds were observed and collected form Groundnut fields in kharif season belonging to 17 families and 19 genera. Majority of the weeds were found to be erect herbs (26); followed by prostrate herbs (07) and climber (01). Maximum weeds belong to family Asteraceae (06 weeds), Euphorbiaceae (05 weeds), Malvaceae (04 weeds), Amarthanceae (03 weeds), followed by the family Cyperaceae (02 weeds) Oxalidaceae (02 weeds), Solanaceae (02 weeds), Poaceae, Fabaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Commelinaceae, Molluginaceae, Papaveraceae, Portulaceae, Sapindaceae, Tiliaceae and Zygophyllaceae consisting only one weed species each.

Keywords: Key words: Weed, Groundnut, Diversity, Kharif

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Deshmukh RS. Studies on Weed Diversity in Groundnut fields of Parbhani District. Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6 (6): 265-267.


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3. Yadav SR and Sardesai MM. Flora of Kolhapur District, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (India), 2002.