Volume 6 |Issue 6| Nov-Dec 2018                                 First published: 31 December 2018

Seasonal and quantitative distribution of Rotifers in Isapur Dam, District,Yavatmal Maharashtra, India

Jadhao VB

Mangalabai Naik Secondary and Higher Secondary School Dhanora (Wad) Tq.Yavatmal Dist.Yavatmal, (M.S.) India



Rotifers are microscopic soft-bodied fresh water invertebrates, which have been used to indicate the tropic status of a water body. They are one of the connecting link organisms between primary producers and consumers in aquatic food web. In present investigation, Monthly variation of rotifers recorded in Isapur Dam Pusad Dist. Yavatmal. Quantitative assessment of rotifers was undertaken during July 2019 to June 2020. Six species of rotifers were found during the course of investigation viz. Branchionuscaudatus, Branchionusfalcatus, Branchionusdiversicornis, Keretellacochlearis, Lepedella patella, and Monostylaclostenocera from Isapur dam. They were abundant during the summer season and minimum was found in the winter season.

Keywords: : Isapurdam, Seasonal, Zooplankton, Rotifers.

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Jadhao VB. Seasonal and Quantitative distribution of Rotifers in Isapur Dam, District, Yavatmal Maharashtra, India. Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6(6): 281-285.


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