Volume 6 |Issue 6| Nov-Dec 2018                                 First published: 31 December 2018
Seasonal and quantitative distribution of Rotifers in Isapur Dam, District,Yavatmal Maharashtra, India
Jadhao VB
Mangalabai Naik Secondary and Higher Secondary School Dhanora (Wad) Tq.Yavatmal Dist.Yavatmal, (M.S.) India
Keywords: : Isapurdam, Seasonal, Zooplankton, Rotifers.
Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan
Cite this article as:
Jadhao VB. Seasonal and Quantitative distribution of Rotifers in Isapur Dam,
District, Yavatmal Maharashtra, India. Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6(6): 281-285.
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