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Volume 9 |Issue 2| March-April 2021                                 First published: 30 April 2021

Studies on Protease Producing Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Hot Springs

Shahu Preeti1, Korde Jyotsna1, and Walhe Rajan*

Department of Microbiology, Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding author: E-mail:


Microorganisms inhabit the every probable area of the earth including unfavorable encampments, too. The bacteria that can survive in extreme conditions are commonly known as extremophilic bacteria. Amongst the extremophilic bacteria, thermophiles have attracted investigators in recent decades for their properties to survive at a very elevated temperature. Proteolytic enzymes of thermophilic bacteria are one of the major classes of enzymes with commercial importance that are utilized for industrial purposes especially in biotechnological industries. In the present study, protease enzyme producing thermophilic bacteria were isolated from two hot springs in the vicinity of Satpuda Ranges, Maharashtra, India. Thus, the study included isolation of thermophilic bacteria and screening of isolates for protease activity. The selected isolates were subjected to proteases production under various pH. From the studies it was seen that 14 the isolates produced protease enzyme but the isolate S25 was exhibiting high activity compared to other isolates. The production of protease enzyme by isolate highlighted the promising information about the hot springs as a potential source of thermophilic bacteria for industrial and biotechnological applications with the special context of extracellular protease enzyme.

Keywords:Hot springs, Satpura Hills, Protease, Thermophilic bacteria

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Shahu Preeti, Korde Jyotsna, and Walhe Rajan. Studies on Protease Producing Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Hot Springs, Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2021, Volume 9(2): 51-56.


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