Research Article

Volume 8 |Issue 6| November-December 2020                      First published: 31 December 2020

Macro Invertebrate Diversity of Adan Dam, Karnja, Washim, MS, India

Tantarpale SA

Bhagwantrao Arts, & Science College, Etapalli, Dist. Gadchiroli, ( M. S.)

Email: tantarpale.swati123@gmail.cp>


Pollution is a major cause of environmental deterioration. Rapid growth of population, industrialization and urbanization resulted into pollution of environment. The use of macro- invertebrates as bio-indicator in the assessment of water quality realised better understanding in the field of limnology as compared to biotopes characteristics. Several Crustaceans, Insects and Molluscs are the tolerant species in the changing condition of water ecosystem. Adan Dam is enriched by nutrients, macrophytes and aquatic vegetation. Rich Zooplankton and Phytoplankton community influence the diversity of benthic fauna.

Keywords:Adan Dam, Macro Invertebrate Diversity.

Cite this article as:
Tantarpale SA. Macro Invertebrate Diversity of Adan Dam, Karnja, Washim, MS, India, Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2020, Volume 8(6): 263-266.


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