National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical, Physical, Chemical, Library, Life Sciences - 2020

Special Issue A7 February-2020                                 First published: 07 February 2020


1. Library Services in Digital Era.

Sable Mahendra Shantaram

2. Use of Mobile Phone in Library Service.

Harde Umesh G

3. Application of management techniques and skills in libraries.

Manohar Bhaurao Bandre

4. NDL India App: A Boon for Users.

Yette Avinash G and Waghamare Manoj P

5. Recent trends in reference services.

Mathankar Ashok R

6. Impact of E-resources on Libraries.

Astunkar Sudhir

7. Reference Management Tools in Academic Research: A Comparative Analysis of Mendely, Zotero, RefWork and EndNote.

Pradhan SS and Karmbe MS

8. Library Services in Gondwana University Library : A Survey.

Chakradhar Vithoba Bhurre

9. E-Resources Management in the Digital Libraries.

Patil (Wagde) Amita H

10. Automation and Networking of Academic Libraries.

Bhutamwar Sanjay S

11. Cloud Computing in Library and Information Science Profession

Prof. Dilip D. Virutkar

12. Quality Assurance best practices in Academic libraries

Humane SM

13. Impact of Social Networking Tools on Academic Libraries

Mohan S. Ratkanthiwar


Dr. Vibhavari B. Hate

15. Social Networks New Medium of Communication in Information usage in Emerging and innovative technology in libraries

Dr Kishor N. Wasurke and Anil M. Chahande

16. Recent Trends of Computerization Library, Operations

Malekar Vijay S and Chahare Prashant B