About the Journal
The International Research Journal of Science and Engineering (IRJSE) is a peer-reviewed open access refereed journal, which aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality research papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide. IRJSE serves an important role by encouraging, fostering and promoting developments in Science & Engineering areas. It is an open access journal, which publishes original research articles reviews and short communication in all areas of Sciences and Engineering and at the interface of related disciplines.
Electrical/Electronics and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation; Coding, Cryptography, and Information Protection; Communications, Networks, Mobile Computing and Distributed Systems; Compilers and Operating Systems; Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability; Computer Vision and Robotics; Control Theory; Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas; Embedded Systems; Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design, Testing, and CAD; Microelectromechanical Systems; Microelectronics, and Electronic Devices and Circuits; Power, Energy and Energy Conversion Systems; Signal, Image, and Speech Processing).
Mechanical and Civil Engineering (Automotive Technologies; Biomechanics; Construction Materials; Design and Manufacturing; Dynamics and Control; Energy Generation, Utilization, Conversion, and Storage; Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; Heat and Mass Transfer; Micro-Nano Sciences; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies; Robotics and Mechatronics; Solid Mechanics and Structure; Thermal Sciences).
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Advanced Materials Science; Biomaterials; Ceramic and Inorgnanic Materials; Electronic-Magnetic Materials; Energy and Environment; Materials Characterizastion; Metallurgy; Polymers and Nanocomposites).
Applied Computing and Informatics : Internet and E-Commerce Architecture, Infrastructure, Models, Deployment Strategies and Methodologies, E-Business and E-Government Adoption, Mobile Commerce and their Applications, Applied Telecommunication Networks, Software Engineering Approaches, Methodologies, Techniques, and Tools, Applied Data Mining and Warehousing. Information Strategic Planning and Recourse Management, Applied Wireless Computing, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, IT Education, Societal, Cultural, and Ethical Issues of IT, Policy, Legal and Global Issues of IT, Enterprise Database Technology, IT Effectiveness and Performance Management, Geographical Information Systems, IT Investment and Project Management, Knowledge Management and IT Transfer, Enterprise Application Integration, Information and Internet Security, Applied Aspects of Arabization, Agent Technologies and their Applications, IT and Organizational Change Management, Business Process, Modeling, Analysis, Re-engineering, and Management, Health Informatics, Neural Networks Applications, Emerging Technologies, Net-Centric Applied Computing, Applied Intelligent Systems, Quality and Performance Management Systems, IT Adoption in Public and Private Sectors, IT Outsourcing and Application Service Provider, Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Human and Educational Information Systems, National Information Plans and Policies, Interdisciplinary Issues
Life Sciences : Biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, cell biology, cancer, chemical biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, genomics, immunology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, neurosciences, plant biology, physiology, stem cells, Taxanomy, structural biology and systems biology.
Chemical Sciences: OrganicChemistry, InorganicChemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry in nanoscience and technology, Catalysis and green chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Environmental chemistry.
Earth Science: Earth, Atmospheric, Ocen and Planetary Sciences, Geology, Applied Geology, Physical Geography, Geophysics, Meteorology, Ocean Sciences
Physical Sciences: Mathematical Methods of Physics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics, Electronics and Experimental Methods, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Original Articles:
These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental methods should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of an original article is the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.
Short Communications:
Short communication also contain abstract. The list of references should not exceed 15. The presentation of Short Communications should contain headings such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, etc.
Reviews Articles:
Submissions of review articles and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged
The journal is published in print as well as online version which is free access and download.
Current Issue